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Re -Introducing Beavers a UK and European experience 13 December 2021 12.00

5th November, 2021

Webinar looking at case studies. Book here

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Members Event 2021

21st June, 2021

An online, interactive members event from 5th to 16th July 2021 We have identified the key issues facing many protected areas across the four themes of Climate Change, Future Farming, Nature Recovery and the Post COVID-19era and access to protected landscapes Find out more info, find resources and register for events at our event hub […]

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Phil Dyke

20th April, 2021

Last week we heard the very sad news of the death of former EAI director Phil Dykes who worked for the National Trust. Phil died on the 6th April after a very short illness. Many will remember Phil, particularly those with a coastal context. Phil was a member of the Europarc Atlantic Isles Board and […]

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Demonstrating UAV Use – Pennine PeatLIFE -24th May 2120 10.00

6th April, 2021

The webinar will look at the progress made towards the Pennine PeatLIFE project’s UAV objectives. These include monitoring bare peat revegetation, mapping sedimentation build up, and observing sphagnum establishment and growth. The content will focus on the development of methodologies, lessons learned over the last few years, and considerations for practitioners interested in adopting UAV […]

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Private sector funding for peatland restoration Webinar- Thursday 21st January 10.00

4th January, 2021

A significant barrier to the restoration of UK peatlands is financial.  It is clear that private funding is going to be increasingly vital in helping make peatland restoration economically viable, which in turn will help increase the rate and scale of restoration in the UK.  Book here

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Update on Implementation of Glover Review – Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 12.00

10th November, 2020

The Landscapes Review of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England argued that that our system of national landscapes should be a positive force for the nation’s wellbeing, and made a broad range of recommendations for working together in new ways to become more than the sum of their parts.  At this […]

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Making Space for Nature – 10 years on

13th October, 2020

10 years ago this month Sir John Lawton produced the Making Space for Nature Report commonly known now as the Lawton Report. The impact was significant in policy impact, shaping both the Natural Environment White Paper and the Biodiversity 2020 strategy. After 10 years many reports would be outdated but the Lawton report is still […]

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Missed the EAI webinars

7th July, 2020

If you have missed the webinars produced by EAI you can still catch up by listening to them here

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Building Blocks Part 1 & 2 on Wednesday 10th June at 10.30 and Wednesday 17th June at 14.30

27th May, 2020

Part 1 – Find out about Moors for the Future Partnership’s ground-breaking project Building Blocks- Next Steps in Gully Blocking. Building Blocks has enabled the Partnership to map 100,000 gullies that need their attention across the damaged blanket bog of the South Pennines Special Area for Conservation

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Webinar -Pennine PeatLIFE Restoration Work Review – Wednesday 27th May 2020 at 10.00

19th May, 2020

This webinar will review the peatland restoration techniques used in the Pennine PeatLIFE project and will compare and contrast those with techniques used by other organisations across the UK.

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