Erasmus+ Vocational Learning study visits

Protected Area Learning in Europe (PALE) programme 2019-2022

EAI has been successful in receiving further funding from Erasmus + for another 34 study visits and is very similar to the previous projects but the opportunities are now throughout Europe. This can be an idea you already have, the opportunity to attend a meeting, seminar or conference or to join a prearranged tour that we are in the process of planning. These are all funded by Erasmus+ and can be an individual or group study tour.

Some of the benefits of being involved in these study tours are they:

  • Facilitate and enhance learning that cannot be acquired within the UK
  • Inspire participants to share their experience in a European context with others
  • Motivate individuals and encourage them to follow up on their experiences with further learning and development opportunities
  • Create opportunities for ongoing learning with European partners
  • Facilitate the sharing of the learning gained to a wider audience

or to quote one of the most recent recipients “I found the trip to Latvia incredibly inspiring and it increased my understanding of the benefits of connecting with nature on a personal and professional level.”

Importantly, travel and subsistence are fully funded.


The first of these trips was a group from SNPS who went on a trip to Latvia  including one day at the Europarc Federation Conference. The group have produced an excellant newsletter/report where you can read all about the expriences they had and things they learnt. Take a look here


A group involved in access took a trip to southern Sweden. Find out what they saw and learnt here 


A group of three from the Lake District National Park Authority  visted the Narz National Park and Luneberg Heath. Find out more here

Please contact Anita Prosser – [email protected] on +44(0)747 4949 444 if your have any questions about this programme

Protected Areas Vocational Education & Learning (PAVEL) programme

In 206 Europarc Atlantic Isles was successful in gaining Erasmus+ funding to offer staff development and learning opportunities in European protected landscapes

Staff from UK protected landscapes have had the opportunity to undertake work related study visits for professional development to France, Germany, Latvia and the Netherlands.

All the participants had useful and interesting visits and we would like to thank our partners for providing such fascinating programmes

Our partners were:

All the participants/groups provided report backs in a range of different media which can be found below.


Webinar – Latvian National Parks


Webinar –Am Stettiner Huff Nature Park in Germany

Report –


Blog – Five go to the Jura



The benefits of being involved in such a study visit help to:

  • Facilitate and enhance learning that cannot be acquired within the UK
  • Inspire participants to share their experience in a European context with others
  • Motivate individuals and to support follow up on their experiences with further learning and development opportunities
  • Create opportunities for ongoing learning with European partners
  • Facilitate the sharing of the learning gained to a wider audience

Importantly, travel and subsistence was fully funded.

Please contact Anita Prosser – [email protected] on +44(0)747 4949 444 if your have any questions about this programme