SAVE THE DATE: 18 – 21 NOVEMBER 2024 with different options to join

17th July, 2024

Fitter for the Future: Our evolving landscapes in the 21st Century.

Haarlem, Netherlands – Sheffield, England

With an exclusive workshop taking place on the EUROSTAR ‘Sustainability Express’!

We live and work in a dynamic and rapidly changing world: social, economic and environmental impacts can be observed all around us. Our Protected Areas are increasingly vulnerable to a range of pressures. This necessitates new thinking about management practices, the scale of our work and the alliances required to ensure more effective and integrated responses.

If we need new thinking, how radical should we be and who will be the alliances, people and voices that will bring about change? How do we listen, engage, and support these communities and individuals?

The options to join are:

  • Option 1: Join the whole event, from the field trip in Zuid-Kennemerland, to the seminar in Sheffield (please note you’ll have to arrive in the Netherlands on the 17th) – estimated total costs: €350/ 300 GBP.
  • Option 2: Join in Brussels on the EUROSTAR ‘Sustainability Express’ to London and then to Sheffield – estimated total costs: €275/ 250 GBP.
  • Option 3: Join in just for the seminar in Sheffield on the 20th and 21st of November – estimated total costs: 100 GBP.